Monday, July 11, 2011

¿Cuánto cuestan tus decisiones?

En este artículo se analiza el costo de oportunidad o el sacrificio al tomar una decisión: este es el caso de manejar un automóvil versus caminar para llegar a un gimnasio.  ¿Existe algo realmente gratis?  

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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Economía Lúdica: The Lemonade Game

Game Description from

"Your goal in this game will be to make as much money as you can within 30 days.  To do this, you've decided to open your own business -- a Lemonade Stand!  You'll have complete control over almost every part of your business, including pricing, quality control, inventory control, and purchasing supplies.  You'll also have to deal with the weather, which can be unpredictable.  Unfortunately, the weather will play a big part when customers are deciding whether or not to buy your product.  Other factors which will make or break your business is the price you charge.  Customers are more apt to pay higher prices when the product (your lemonade) is more in demand - When the weather is hotter.  As the temperature drops, and the weather turns bad (overcast, cloudy, rain), don't expect them to pay nearly what they would on a hot, hazy day. The other major factor which comes into play is your customer's satisfaction.  As you sell your product, people will decide whether or not they like it, and how much they like or dislike it.  As time goes on, they'll start to tell their friends, neighbors, and relatives (hence, your 'popularity').  Sell a good product for a good price, and you'll build business over time; overcharge for inferior products, and you'll be out of business sooner than you'd think.  Another more direct form of customer satisfaction affecting sales takes place directly at the stand.  As customers buy your product, you'll see some tell you what they think by the bubbles over their heads.  If customers are enjoying their product, others are more likely to buy.  If they're expressing their dissatisfaction, other customers are more likely to take their business elsewhere."

"Tengo tu love" de Sie7e

“Tengo tu love" de Sie7e es un tema de actualidad, donde se habla sobre muchas cosas, entre ellas el amor.  Pero también, entre todas esas cosas, se presentan explícitamente ciertos conceptos económicos.  ¡Búscalos, analízalos y discútelos!

Monday, July 4, 2011

"El Costo de la Vida" de Juan Luis Guerra

En la canción “El Costo de la Vida”, escrita por el cantautor dominicano Juan Luis Guerra y publicada en su álbum Areíto en 1992,  se presentan explícitamente una gran cantidad de conceptos económicos relacionados con nuestra vida diaria.  Utiliza tu “ojo económico” para identificarlos, analizarlos y explicarlos dentro del contexto económico actual.